

TUV T8 lamps are double-ended UVC (germicidal) lamps used in professional water and air disinfection units. TUV T8 lamps offer almost constant UV output over their complete lifetime, for maximum security of disinfection and high system efficacy. Moreover, they have a long and reliable lifetime, which allows maintenance to be planned for in advance.

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The GermsAway™ Germicidal Ultraviolet Irradiator can provide direct germicidal ultraviolet exposure for air or surface disinfection. UV technology deactivates bacteria, viruses and fungal spores and as a result renders them harmless. The technology is primarily used in areas where there is a risk of microbiological contamination.

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GermsAway®   GA16  Upper  Air  Sterilizer  protect  room occupants from infection due to flu and airborne microbes, particularly in crowded or poorly ventilated areas, and in situations where the risk of cross-infection is high.

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GermsAway®  GA35 Air Sterilizer protect room occupants from   infection   due   to   flu   and   airborne   microbes, particularly in crowded or poorly ventilated areas, and in situations where the risk of cross-infection is high.

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VSL BL136 UVC Batten Light

• High effectiveness with Philips UVC lamp (253.

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